January 31, 2015
Signature between Mr Jean-marc Guillou (President JMG Football) and Mr Tran Thanh Hai (President of NutiFood)
May 07, 2015
Signature of the foundation between Mr Vincent Dufour (JMG Football) and Mr Tran Thanh Hai President of NutiFood.
Announcement of the recruitment program.
Announcement of the recruitment program.
June 06 to July 20, 2015
Recruitment in 18 provinces : Guillaume Graechen (Manager of the Pleiku JMG Football Academy) participates in the first 2 days.
Seen 5967 players, chose 77 players for pre-final training camp.
August 10-15, 2015
Final internship for Promotion 1, with the participation of Mr Vincent Dufour, Guillaume Graechen 24 players selected, 10 players taken.
September 7, 2015
Entry of the first 10 academics: 7 in 2003, 3 in 2004.
March 8 to March 11, 2016
Additional final internship for Promotion 1 with the participation of Jean-marc Guillou.
Seen 295 players, 4 chosen to complete promotion 1.
Seen 295 players, 4 chosen to complete promotion 1.
March 13, 2016
First 5×5 tournament, 3 teams. The JMG academicians emerged as the winner of this tournament.
May 8, 2016
Entry of the 4 new academicians.
October 4, 2016
Visit of internationals, former academics JMG Pleiku : Cong Phuong, Xuan Truong, Van Toan, Tuan Thanh, Van Thanh.
June 7 to June 11, 2016
Additional final internship for the promotion 1 with the participation of Mr Vincent Dufour.
Seen 316 players, 2 selected players.
Seen 316 players, 2 selected players.
June 2016
Internship of academics at the JMG Academy in Pleiku. Excellent internship, spent between 2 JMG academies.
August 2016
Entry of the 2 new academicians.
June 25-29, 2017
Final internship Promotion 2, with the presence of Mr Vincent Dufour.
Seen 1029 players before, 28 players in the final stage, selected 8 players to become academics.
Seen 1029 players before, 28 players in the final stage, selected 8 players to become academics.
August 2017
Entry of the 8 new academicians of Class 2: 6 from 2004 and 2 from 2005.
December 15, 2017
1st international match of the class 1 against U13 Kawasaki (Japan), victory 10-2.
June 18-23, 2018
Complementary final internship promotion 2, with the presence of Mr Vincent Dufour.
Seen 1431 players, 9 players participate in the final stage, chosen 1 goalkeeper.
Seen 1431 players, 9 players participate in the final stage, chosen 1 goalkeeper.
August 2018
Entry of the new academician (2004).
still waiting for the construction of our Academy.
still waiting for the construction of our Academy.
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