
September 2016

The Academy takes over the former AFAD facilities and settles in Djekanou. Adrien Gaignon, former Manager of the Ghana Academy, is in charge of carrying out this new project in Ivory Coast.

October 2016

Arrival of the Ghana Class 2, which following the definitive closure of the Academy in Accra, is the first class of the Ivory Coast Academy.

June 2017

First matches at 11 of the promotion, which confronts clubs and other Ivorian training centers.

December 2017

Recruitment of 3 Ivorian players aged around 18 to complete the first promotion.

September 2018

After a recruitment campaign lasting several months and several thousand players observed, 8 Ivorian children under 37 kilos aged between 12 and 14 years old were recruited to compose a new promotion.

Official page of the DJEKANOU Academy